Route 42
The Life and Times of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Lodi, Ohio. Conversations, devotions, sermons by Pastor Chris Cahill, and more. Episodes are archived after 90 days. You can find archived episodes of the Route 42 Playlist on the Christ the King Lutheran Church YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBXPPaGwlFZOu-L11lcXNRCpoMRuSXcuK
8 episodes
Sermon March 23 2025 - "Serving"
Our theme for this week is “Serving.”Last week we heard that “Forgiving” can be described by the letters in the word “SCARS” = Sin, Confession, Absolution (forgiveness), Restoration, and Sanctification. We heard details about most of tho...

Sermon March 16 2025 - Forgiveness
Our theme for this week is “Forgiveness.”During this season of Lent, up near our altar and under the crucifix is the word “SCARS.” We remember that after Jesus died by being nailed to the cross, when He rose from the dead He still had th...

Sermon March 9 2025 - "Lent 1 - Imitating Jesus"
What habits have you developed over the years that have helped get you through life? Maybe your work habits? Maybe the way you drive your car? Maybe the way you talk or listen to other people? And speaking of other people - is it true that the ...

Sermon Feb 23 2025 "The Peace of Jesus and the Resurrection"
This sermon is from almost the last Sunday in the church season called “Epiphany.” We began this season on January 6 as we remembered the Wise Men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus, and each week we’ve “unwrapped” a little bit more of the gif...

Sermon February 2 2025 "The Love of Christ"
Last week I said we use the word “church” in a lot of different ways. “Love” is another word like that – it means a lot of different things to everybody! Who knows where they come up with those meanings, sometimes? But in the Bible, there reall...

Sermon January 26 2025 "Which Part are You Today?"
This is the third Sunday in the Epiphany season, the church season that started with the visit of the Wise Men to the baby Jesus. We use the word “church” in a lot of different ways. “Church” is a building. “Church” is a worship ser...